Message from Miho, cooking class teacher in Kichijoji

I am VERY excited about teaching Japanese cooking classes to foreign tourists coming to Japan!

There is nothing more fun than talking to people, going to markets, and shopping while traveling. Experiencing different sensations, different tastes, different landscapes, etc. on a trip will make your life richer and deeper.

Even in everyday life, visiting a different street or town and stopping at a newly discovered cafe will give you a fresh sensation that is similar to traveling.

I hope my cooking classes will be a breath of fresh air for you and enjoy cooking Japanese food even more after you return to your own country by arranging in your way and further continuing discovering Japan by your travel.

Life is a time to create the art of the self. For this, there is nothing better than experience.


The important thing in life I think is awareness, or realization. Not only in cooking, but when we experience something or take action, we may receive awareness from others, or we may notice, aha moment to find something in passing. That may be the best part of life. I have been thinking about that recently. 


Miho Kondo
Cross Cultural Japan in Tokyo

近藤 美穂
